Reading the whole data

We now read the whole data using MRS. MRS has two ways of dealing with flat files:

  1. it can work directly with the flat files, meaning that it can read and write to flat files directly,
  2. it can covert flat files to a format called XDF (XDF stands for external data frame).

We choose to go with the second option. We explain our reasoning in the next section. To convert flat files to XDF, we use the rxImport function. By letting append = "rows", we can also combine multiple flat files into a single XDF file.

input_xdf <- 'yellow_tripdata_2016.xdf'
most_recent_date <- ymd("2016-07-01") # the day of the months is irrelevant

st <- Sys.time()
for(ii in 1:6) { # get each month's data and append it to the first month's data
  file_date <- most_recent_date - months(ii)
  input_csv <- sprintf('yellow_tripsample_%s.csv', substr(file_date, 1, 7))
  append <- if (ii == 1) "none" else "rows"
  rxImport(input_csv, input_xdf, colClasses = col_classes, overwrite = TRUE, append = append)
Sys.time() - st # stores the time it took to import
Rows Processed: 10906858
[1] "yellow_tripdata_2016-01.csv"
Rows Processed: 11382049 
[1] "yellow_tripdata_2016-02.csv"
Rows Processed: 12210952 
[1] "yellow_tripdata_2016-03.csv"
Rows Processed: 11934338 
[1] "yellow_tripdata_2016-04.csv"
Rows Processed: 11836853 
[1] "yellow_tripdata_2016-05.csv"
Rows Processed: 11135470 
[1] "yellow_tripdata_2016-06.csv"

Time difference of 13.96592 mins

results matching ""

    No results matching ""