Comparing predictions
Before applying the algorithm to the test data, let's apply it to the small dataset with all the combinations of categorical variables and visualize the predictions. This might help us develop some intuition about each algorithm.
pred_df <- expand.grid(ll)
pred_df_1 <- rxPredict(trained.models$linmod, data = pred_df, predVarNames = "pred_linmod")
pred_df_2 <- rxPredict(trained.models$dtree, data = pred_df, predVarNames = "pred_dtree")
pred_df_3 <- rxPredict(trained.models$dforest, data = pred_df, predVarNames = "pred_dforest")
pred_df <-, list(pred_df, pred_df_1, pred_df_2, pred_df_3))
pickup_nb dropoff_nb pickup_hour pickup_dow pred_linmod pred_dtree pred_dforest
1 Chinatown Chinatown 1AM-5AM Sun 6.869645 5.772054 9.008643
2 Little Italy Chinatown 1AM-5AM Sun 10.627190 9.221250 10.634590
3 Tribeca Chinatown 1AM-5AM Sun 9.063741 9.221250 10.099731
4 Soho Chinatown 1AM-5AM Sun 10.107815 8.313437 10.162946
5 Lower East Side Chinatown 1AM-5AM Sun 9.728399 9.221250 10.525242
6 Financial District Chinatown 1AM-5AM Sun 8.248997 6.937500 8.674807
observed_df <- rxSummary(tip_percent ~ pickup_nb:dropoff_nb:pickup_dow:pickup_hour, mht_xdf)
observed_df <- observed_df$categorical[[1]][ , c(2:6)]
pred_df <- inner_join(pred_df, observed_df, by = names(pred_df)[1:4])
ggplot(data = pred_df) +
geom_density(aes(x = Means, col = "observed average")) +
geom_density(aes(x = pred_linmod, col = "linmod")) +
geom_density(aes(x = pred_dtree, col = "dtree")) +
geom_density(aes(x = pred_dforest, col = "dforest")) +
xlim(-1, 30) +
xlab("tip percent")
Both the linear model and the random forest give us smooth predictions. We can see that the random forest predictions are the most concentrated. The predictions for the decision tree follow a jagged distribution, probably as a result of overfitting, but we don't know that until we check performance against the test set. Overall, the predictions are more narrow than the observed averages.