Focusing on Manhattan
Since the lion's share of taxi trips take place in Manhattan, we focus our attention to Manhattan only and ignore the other four boroughs. For that purpose, we create two new columns called pickup_nb
and dropoff_nb
based on the original columns pickup_nhood
and dropoff_nhood
except that their factor levels are limited to Manhattan neighborhoods (any other factor level will be replaced with an NA). It is important to do so, because otherwise neighborhoods outside of Manhattan will show up in any modeling or summary function involving those columns.
manhattan_nhoods <- rownames(nhoods_by_borough)[nhoods_by_borough$`New York City-Manhattan` > 0]
refactor_columns <- function(dataList) {
dataList$pickup_nb = factor(dataList$pickup_nhood, levels = nhoods_levels)
dataList$dropoff_nb = factor(dataList$dropoff_nhood, levels = nhoods_levels)
rxDataStep(nyc_xdf, nyc_xdf,
transformFunc = refactor_columns,
transformObjects = list(nhoods_levels = manhattan_nhoods),
overwrite = TRUE)
rxs_pickdrop <- rxSummary( ~ pickup_nb:dropoff_nb, nyc_xdf)
Rows Processed: 69406520
pickup_nb dropoff_nb Counts
1 Battery Park Battery Park 19876
2 Carnegie Hill Battery Park 2699
3 Central Park Battery Park 3479
4 Chelsea Battery Park 61024
5 Chinatown Battery Park 3813
6 Clinton Battery Park 23962